Becca Serra

Senior Pilates Instructor

Becca Serra is an actor and triathlete who found her way to Pilates after a herniated disc immobilized her. She quickly fell in love with how healing the method is and having the ability to continue to move while in recovery. She has been practicing for over 10 years was certified in both mat and apparatus at the prestigious Kane School of Core Integration in NYC in 2015. She has worked at Kinected Center NYC, Mongoose Bodyworks, The Swan Pilates, and Bodycraft Brooklyn, and is looking forward to continuing her practice/teaching here in Philly.  She specializes in injury prevention and recuperation and pre/postnatal Pilates.

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We provide professional, individualized training that fits your schedule and your specific needs. Offering both 1-on-1 and Semi-Private sessions, you will see tremendous results with workouts tailored just for you.

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